EDC Consulting
Civil & Structural Engineers
Housing Development (79 Units) at Killyfaddy Road (2020 - Present)
EDC Consulting was appointed to this project to complete the Drainage Assessment, 3-D Cut & Fill, Roads Design & Private Streets Determination Approval, Drainage Design and Article 161 Approval for 79 mixed dwellings, which includes the design for storm water attenuation.
Estimated value of project £16.5m.

Home Bargains Retail Development at Castledawson Road, Magherafelt (2017-21).
EDC Consulting was appointed to this project to complete the Drainage Assessment and Transport Assessment form for the 2-hectare site at the location adjacent to LIDL on Castledawson, Magherafelt. This included submission of Schedule 6 application for DIscharge Consent and later on the design of internal road drainage and attenuation for construction. Currently, the LIDL phase of works has been completed. Large Diameter pipe drainage, with FP McCann StormBrake technology introduced to provide storm water attenuation to 2 No. outlet locations. Planned for future development of a second phase of the site. Following planning, detailed design was completed and the "Home Bargains" Unit was opened in 2021.
Estimated value of project £1.5m.

Cottage Mews, Cushendall Road, Ballymena. (2019-22)
EDC Consulting was appointed to this project to complete the Drainage Assessment, 3-D Cut & Fill, Roads Design & Private Streets Determination Approval, Drainage Design and Article 161 Approval for 24 mixed dwellings, which includes the design for storm water attenuation. Structural Engineering services were also provided.
Estimated value of project £3.6m.